This command reference lists the command that can be used to control scrolling of popups in overLIB, using a relatively simple proceedure that Fote Macrides first introduced in his code set (See See the core module documentation for more information about other ways to customize overLIB.
Remember that commands are always in uppercase (case-sensitive) and can have none or more command values.
To include these support modules just include the following statements in the HEAD section of your document:
<script type="text/javascript" src="overlib.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="overlib_simplescroll.js"> </script>
You only have to make sure that the overlib_simplescroll.js
is loaded after the core module.
Download Simple Scroll module as a zip file.
Scrolling command
This plug-in introduces the commands needed to be able to drag an overLIB popup around on your web page. There are actually only three commands associated with this plugin. However, as explained below, a change from the way one of these commands works in the IE and Netscape browsers was needed for the Opera v7 browser because, apparently, the ALT key combination used in IE is not functioning correctly in Opera v7. Note: these commends can not be applied to a cross frame STICKY. The DRAGGABLE command is disabled if the popup and overlib code are in different frames or windows.
Scrolling command
The following command will only be applied if the popup is STICKY, is not DRAGGABLE, and has either one of the RELX/RELY commands applied. It will stay in the same relative position as given by the RELX and/or RELY commands. (Compare with the Follow Scroll plugin.)
- SCROLL example
- When used on a command line, indicates that a popup should follow any
scrolling of the document in the browser window. Default value is to not
scroll (0). This command switches the current state of the associated default
variable to its opposite state. On some browsers, you may not see the popup
scroll as you move the scroll bar with your cursor unless you move it back
into the browser window, where it will appear to jump into place. This occurs
because it is being set by a command in the olMouseMove routine. The FOLLOWSCROLL
command, on the other hand, causes the popup to follow the scroll bar because
it sets up a function which is continually called after FOLLOWSCROLLREFRESH
milli-seconds to reposition the popup. Of course, this adds more code to
be downloaded. Use this command if you're concerned about code size.
Variable: ol_scroll