This plugin provides the user with additional flexibility in styling a popup, by enabling him/her to use content in other elements on their pages (ones that have an ID attribute) in a popup, by either replacing the entire content of the overDiv container or by replacing just the body and/or caption region text. To make use of these commands, you need to insert the following lines in your HEAD section.
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="overlib.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="overlib_elmcontents.js"> </SCRIPT>
Remember that commands are always in uppercase (case-sensitive) and can have none or more command values.
Download this module as a zip file.
- USECONTENTS element id using Layer1
- The parameter to this command is a string value which specifies the ID
attribute of another element on the page. The contents of this element will
completely replace the contents of the overDiv container, including
any formatting that may be contained therein. This command takes
precedence over the other two commands presented here; in other words, REPLACEBODY
and REPLACECAP are not applied if something is specified for this command.
Variable: ol_usecontents - REPLACEBODY element id using Body Content in Layer1
- The parameter to this command is also a string value which specifies the
ID attribute of another element on the page. The contents of this element
will become the main body text of the popup. Hence, care must be exercised
that the text coloring provides sufficient contrast with the main body background
color (normally FGCOLOR) of the popup. This command can
work very effectively with the CSSW3C plugin, and may be used together with
or in place of the
Variable: ol_replacebody - REPLACECAPelement id using Caption in Layer1
- Like the other two comands in this plugin, this command's parameter is
a string value which specifies the ID attribute of another element on the
page, whose contents become the caption of the popup. Care mut be exercised
that the text coloring in the selected element provides sufficient contrast
with the caption area background color (normally BGCOLOR). This command
can work very effectively with the CSSW3C plugin, and may be used together
with or in place of the
Variable: ol_replacecap