The purpose of this plugin is to provide a way to set commands which take no parameter values to either their ON or OFF state regardless of their current setting. This setting takes place after the command line has been completely parsed, which means the SETON/SETOFF comamnds take precedence. In the Core Module, the No Parameter Commands are:
To include support for this plugin just include the following statements in the HEAD section of your document:
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="overlib.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="overlib_setonoff.js"> </SCRIPT>
You only have to make sure that the overlib_setonoff.js
is loaded after the core module.
Download this plugin as a zip file.
NOTE: This plugin requires that you use at least a v4.10 or later Core Module to work correctly. In addition, both SETON and SETOFF can be used at the same time on the command line to control different no-parameter commands.
- SETON command0[,command1,command2,...,commandn]
- This command causes the run-time variables associated with the immediately following command(s) to be set to their ON state. For most no-parameter commands, the ON state is signified by a setting of 1, except for AUTOSTATUSCAP in which it is 2. More than one SETON command can appear on the command line. Be sure to terminate the list of commands by either the end of the command line or by a command which takes a parameter value. If a following command is not a no-parameter command it will be ignored.
- SETOFF command0[,command1,command2,...,commandn]
- This command causes the run-time variables associated with the immediately following command(s) to be set to the OFF state, which is signified by a setting of 0. More than one SETOFF command can appear on the command line. Be sure to terminate the list of commands by either the end of the command line or by a command which takes a parameter value. If a following command is not a no-parameter command it will be ignored.