RMRKPT defines how a popup should be positioned with respect to a reference mark. Allowable values are Upper Left (UL), Upper Right (UR), Lower Left (LL), and Lower Right (LR). (Will accept lower case values too.) The value of this property determines the point on the reference mark where the popup is positioned and its location relative to that reference point. In other words, if rmrkpt is 'LR' then the lower right corner of the popup will be positioned on the lower right corner of the anchor object. You can also specify values for RMRKX/RMRKY, which will move the popup from its anchor point by these specified x,y offsets.

A related parameter is RMRK (which stands for Reference MaRK)(a valid ID of a positioned layer or the NAME of an image or ANCHOR [can also be a normal hypertext link if it has a NAME and/or ID attribute specified too. In Netscape 4.x the NAME/ID values should be the same] to which your popups will be positioned). If the value specified by RMRK can't be found, then you'll get a Alert box informing you of the error. I feel that this would be useful in running your overlib script the first time because it will notify you of one possible error source. However, you can change this behavior by using NORMRK on the command line. By using this parameter inconjunction with the setOLParams() routine, you can effectively toggle this behavior on and off. If you turn off the warning message, then the popup behaves as a normal popup, appearing near the triggering link. An of this behavior can be seen in the table below (if you're using Netscape 4.x) under the column marked marker2 for the first link (UL). This link also has the following behavior attached to it: ONCLICK = 'setOLParams(NORMRK)'. The set consists of RMRK, RMRKX, RMRKY, RMRKPT, and NORMRK. This link will show a popup over the word RMRK above.

The above explanation indicates the normal behavior for the parameter RMRKPT. However, if you want to specify a different corner for the popup then supply a two element string array as the value like this - RMRKPT, ['UL','LL']. The first element specifies the reference point on the reference mark and the second element specifies the corner of the popup that will be positioned there. For ANCHOR reference marks, the first value will always be set to 'UL' in Netscape 4.x, no matter what value you supply here. For other supported browsers, this restriction is not applicable. Other values can be supplied but the popup display may not be as you would expect, especially if the name link is split accross two or more lines. Consistent behavior will be obtained if the first value is specified as 'UL'. As an example, this link will position the popup just above the word RMRK in the above paragraph, positioned on its first character.

Default value: UL

Anchoring to marker2 doesn't work in Netscape 4.x since this layer can't be found, because it isn't a positioned layer (either relative or absolute). It is just a containment DIV. In the following table, the DIV called containMentLyr is the outside containment vessel for marker1, marker2, and the image door and has a position setting of relative so Netscape 4.x does know about it and you can anchor to it.

<div id="marker1" style="position:absolute; width:300px; z-index:2; left: 10px; top: 10px; background-color: #FF9900; layer-background-color: #FF9900; border: 1px none #000000"></div>
div marker2door image image name="door"
Positioned relative to
DIV (containMentLyr) DIV (marker1) DIV (marker2) IMAGE (door)
UL (xoffset 30px) UL UL UL
UR (xoffset -30px) UR, LL UR UR
LL (yoffset -30px, xoffset 30px) LL LL LL
LR (yoffset -30px) LR LR (yoffset -10px) LR (yoffset -10 px)